The governance of the SUccESS project is based on the following bodies:

This linkage allows for close monitoring of the project’s progress in terms of strategy, scientific progress, and administrative and financial aspects.

General Assembly
The General Assembly brings together the SUccESS project team, the scientific leaders and the legal representatives of each partner. It meets once a year to review the past year in the presence of the ANR.
Executive Board
The Executive Board of SUccESS brings together the coordinator, the project team, the Work Package Managers and the task leaders.
The mission of this committee is to monitor the scientific progress of the project with all the project partners, and to validate scientific reorientations if necessary.

SUccESS Project Team
The SUccESS project is coordinated by Prof. B. Dréno, Dermato-oncologist, coordinator of team 2 of UMR 1302 INCIT.
The project team ensures the daily operational follow-up of the project.
It is composed of three collaborators from the Nantes University Hospital, with specific skills in translational research, clinical research and valorisation:
- Faris Marouf, researcher within group 2 UMR 1302 INCIT
- Dr. Florence Vrignaud, Delegated Pharmacist, Biotherapeutics Module CIC 1413, task leader for task 6.1
- Dr. Amir Khammari, PhD, Head of translational clinical research in dermatology, Scientific Director of the CIC Biotherapies Skin Pathology, task leader for task 4.1
Methodologist : Marie-Anne Vibet
Administrative support : ALCIMED
Innovation Management Committee
An Innovation Management Committee has been set up to monitor and advise the Executive Board and the General Assembly on the project’s intellectual property strategy and dissemination.
It is composed of a scientific leader and/or a valorization specialist for each SUccESS partner.

Scientific Advisory Board
The SUccESS Scientific Advisory Board is composed of experts covering the entire SUccESS project: scientific research, clinical and industrial development expertise.
The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Executive Board and the General Assembly on the scientific and strategic direction of the project.

Prof. M. Peschanski, PhD
Scientific Director, Istem (France)

M. P. Blin
President, PBLC (France)

Dr. D. Hepner
Plastic Surgeon (France)

Prof. B. Richert
Professor of Dermatology (Belgique)