
A National Network


Nantes University Hospital

Nantes University Hospital is the coordinator of the SUccESS RHU project. Various departments of the University Hospital are involved in SUccESS:

> The Cellular and Gene Therapy Unit (CGTU), which has 25 years of experience in the production of cell therapy biomedicines and has developed a regenerative cellular dressing composed of keratinocytes and fetal fibroblasts;

> The Dermatology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, and the Burns and Plastic Surgery departments;

> The support structures of the Research and Innovation Department of the Nantes University Hospital;

> Finally, the biotherapy module of the CIC1413, under the joint supervision of the Nantes University Hospital and INSERM.


The French group NAOS is a major international player in Skincare, established in 80 countries around the world and which includes three brands: Bioderma, Institut Esthederm and Etat Pur. NAOS has expertise in the development of cosmetic products, marketing and international sales.


BIONUCLEI is a start-up structure of the NAOS group specialized in the creation of new raw materials and prototypes for Human Care.


U1016, Institut Cochin – INSERM

Prof. Aractingi’s team in Unit 1016 is specialized in the study of skin healing and has developed relevant mouse models.


Team 2 of UMR 1232, directed by Pr. Dréno and Dr. Khammari, is specialized in the study of the immunological profile of the skin in the context of melanoma (leader in adaptive immunotherapy by TILs) and cutaneous inflammatory pathologies (leader in the microbiome of acne).

U1087, Institut du Thorax – INSERM

Team I “Cardiovascular Genetics” of the U1087 unit, directed by Dr. Schott, is specialized in high-throughput sequencing analyses.

Plateforme de protéomique PROTIM – Université Rennes 1

Headed by Dr. Pineau and belonging to the Biogenouest network, PROTIM is a leader in the field of proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry.


The Telemedicine network applied to wounds (TELAP), directed by Prof. Dompmartin, is a network specialized in the follow-up of chronic wounds through telemedicine.